
blustrkr's Destiny 2: Forsaken Review Xbox One

Really loving this expansion so far! It is easily comparable to The Taken King from D1 in regards to how much content is added.

The new Tangled Shore destination in the Director is very fun to roam around, and you're able to much more than you ever could before in the Reef. Spider is a very useful vendor for the Shore as he allows you to trade in legendary shards and glimmer for other yseful items, like masterwork cores for example. This of course will make it a bit easier to infuse your preferential gear with more powerful stats.

I love how the Barons are spread out over multiple missions so you can kill them in any order you'd like, which nicely embraces the open world aspect of this game. The Barons all have different fighting styles and personalities which definitely adds to the variety and challenge, as you'll need to adapt to each mission. Also, you can pick up Bounties (which made a return to Destiny with this update) that will allow you to hunt other escaped Barons on other planets.

The big multiplayer addition with this expansion is of course Gambit. Without going into great detail to explain the whole game mode, it essentially pits two fireteams against each other to see who can kill enough enemies and the final boss first. However, it combines said PvE action with PvP by allowing Guardians to invade the other side and hinder the opposing Fireteam's progress. Pretty cool! Plus, this debuted along with several new maps.

The Dreaming City is also a super cool addition to the game. Once the first Fireteam in the world beat the Raid it unleashed a curse that affects everyone in the game which is just one of several things about the City that are constantly changing.

I have yet to try the Raid but will gladly update this once I do.

If you've been wanting more content for Destiny 2, or you quit playing because there wasn't enough to do but you enjoy Destiny, then I would definitely purchase this expansion.

Some new thoughts...
After putting many hours into this since it came out, I'm still pretty happy with it! Shadowkeep, the new expansion, is around the corner and I'm pretty excited for it. But every time I take a week or two off from this game and I come back to it, I am just amazed by the beautiful visuals. If you ever play Vanguard activities, the Corrupted Strike in particular is one of my favorites. It's a tad bit longer than some Strikes but the variety of scenery it takes you through is great!


Comments (1 total)

4 years ago
Pretty cool game, the lighting is dope and there is lots of places you could go and you are completely right, get the expansion if you really enjoy Destiny
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