
Sw3etPoison's Hercules Review PC

This game was one of the first games I have ever tried on my really old PC when I was just a decade old, after almost 2 decades of not playing this game, I finally got it for my new PC and I feel like a child all over again. It's an old Disney game ( the only one I like so far 💀) but it is so much fun, it ain't easy for sure, don't be fooled at how many hours I've played, I could not get past some levels (boss fights) but now I am ready to defeat them all! When you are a kid, you just love any game that comes out, and this game was my favorite one, I was in love with the graphics and environment as a kid, I still feel the same about it! Definitely worth a try, I can't wait to hopefully get it in the future on mobile version or remastered, how wouldn't want that!?

I will update after I defeat all the bosses, I haven't seen how the game ends after all.


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