
Apex Legends already has over 10 million players

February 8th, 2019 4:27 AM CST

Posts: 288
Location: United States
This game literally came out like three days ago out of the blue. Respawn was working on this Titanfall spinoff for a couple years in secrecy. Basically, it's their spin on the battle royale genre (ie PUBG, Fortnite, etc). I'm not usually a fan of this stuff but just like Fortnite it's free to play so I'll have to give it a shot.

Over one million concurrent players.

Here's a few screens from elsewhere:

Anyone else going to give this a shot?


February 8th, 2019 2:05 PM CST

Posts: 126
Location: Massachusetts
I'm going to pass. I am not a fan of this genre of games, I will leave them to the middle schoolers.

February 13th, 2019 4:43 PM CST

Posts: 21
Location: Utah
The more I play the more I love Apex! It's fun, fast paced, and pretty easy to pick up. My biggest complaint is that they only have 3 man squads which sucks when you have 4 people in party. Hopefully that's something they'll fix, but we'll see. Other than that I would suggest everyone to at least check it out. I mean it's free so why not? FFO: COD, Halo, Titanfall, Destiny
There's nothing to see here, And that nothing looks back at us.

February 14th, 2019 12:32 AM CST

Posts: 288
Location: United States
I'm gonna try it out right now. I will of course be getting some screenshots for the Index. :D Wish me luck, this is my first time trying anything in the Battle Royale genre!
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