
Battlefield 6 rumors

February 11th, 2021 6:21 AM CST

Posts: 288
Location: United States
Has anyone been paying any attention to the Battlefield 6 rumors? Supposedly it is heavily inspired by Battlefield 3.

3 and 4 were both modern combat theater, in case you didn't remember. Then we went to Battlefield 1 (WW1) and then Battlefield V (WWII).

Battlefield 6 will of course be to Xbox Series S/X and PlayStation 5 as Battlefield 4 was to Xbox One and PlayStation 4. I'm excited to see what DICE can come up with in terms of graphical leaps and new technical boundaries crossed. I did see another rumor that said this time around they plan to double the size of an online multiplayer match from 32 v 32 to 64 v 64 for a grand total of 128 players. That'd be something pretty awesome to see, and something I'd expect out of a next-gen Battlefield game!

Just from what is being said so far and the prospect of a new modern combat Battlefield, I am very excited! I've sunk many many hours of my life into Battlefield 3 and 4 (and all the others) so I'm very much so looking forward to a new one!

What are your thoughts? I know I can't be the only one!


February 11th, 2021 11:01 AM CST

Posts: 125
Location: Massachusetts
I am stoked. I don't have any interest in getting a Series X until Battlefield 6 and The Elder Scrolls VI are announced officially (with release dates). I put many hours into BF 3 and 4 so I am very excited to go back to a more modern setting.

February 20th, 2021 1:46 PM CST

Posts: 288
Location: United States
Same here! BF6 and TES VI are both great excuses to upgrade the console! Now that I have a legit gaming PC this time around and I haven't already sunk hours and hours into these games (cause they're not out yet obviously), I will consider getting them on PC as well!

Looks like we'll have to get the 'ol whhhWhiskey clan going again!

February 21st, 2021 7:51 AM CST

Posts: 125
Location: Massachusetts
Absolutely! I am stoked and ready to get back into it.

June 8th, 2021 12:36 PM CDT

Posts: 288
Location: United States
Reveal trailer tomorrow! Super excited. Some people are saying it'll be a prequel to Battlefield 2142 (and are calling it Battlefield 2042) but I'm not 100% sure this will be that far into the future. I'm thinking more like 5-10 years into the future. We will just have to wait and see!

July 2nd, 2021 5:22 PM CDT

Posts: 125
Location: Massachusetts
I am for sure interested, hopefully it isn't too futuristic though.

July 8th, 2021 5:42 PM CDT

Posts: 288
Location: United States
Nah, this doesn't look anything like Battlefield 2142. Looks more like BF3 or 4 to me. Set just far in the future enough for there to be new guns and vehicles, because "real life present-day modern combat" probably hasn't evolved enough to produce enough new stuff for a new game yet. xD

September 4th, 2021 6:53 AM CDT

Posts: 125
Location: Massachusetts
Well I am excited to play, I just really wish that I could get my hands on a Series X.

September 4th, 2021 11:14 AM CDT
last edited on September 4th, 2021 11:18 AM CDT

Posts: 288
Location: United States
I'm not sure how well it works in the UK, but I would highly recommend checking Facebook Marketplace. It is practically the only decent chance anyone has. If you're lucky, you will find one for the normal MSRP or just slightly over.

Otherwise, the chip shortage will make getting a console legitimately from a store very difficult.

Very excited for the BF2042 beta, I am probably going to be pre-ordering my copy sometime in the next few days. I don't want to shell out all that extra money for the Ultimate edition (it's already BS how the Series X|S/PS5 versions cost more) but I am a longtime fan of the series and it's not often a new BF game comes out these days.

I'm also excited for Battlefield Mobile which should be coming out with an Android beta later this fall. I will absolutely be replacing CoD Mobile with it once it's out!

September 12th, 2021 8:43 AM CDT

Posts: 125
Location: Massachusetts
Yea, MSRP here is 450 GBP but everyone on FB Marketplace is selling them for 600 GBP (830 USD). I refuse to pay a penny over 500 USD so I am just going to have to wait and hope that next year the chip shortage gets figured out.

October 12th, 2021 12:49 AM CDT

Posts: 288
Location: United States
Well, after playing the early access beta (from pre-ordering) and the open beta, I can say that they definitely have a lot of work to do still. I wouldn't be surprised to see another last minute delay. I have no doubts a ton of features were cut and will be added in updates later on. There were tons of bugs in the beta. I understand it was only a beta, but with launch only about a month away it has me slightly worried.

I also feel like some of the cool stuff they came up with in BF1 & V (like laying on your back, improved parkour/climbing, UI stuff, etc) was cut out of this game. So it does feel like the older games, but I am a bit sad to see some of the improvements made upon said games taken out again.

I tried to take screenshots but all of that (including streaming, tried that too) was disabled.

It definitely feels like Battlefield 3 and 4, but with bigger maps and 128 players on current-gen systems. I am trying to remain optimistic because if they get this right, it should still be a great game. A new BF3/4 like so many of us were itching for.

November 14th, 2021 2:21 PM CST

Posts: 125
Location: Massachusetts
I just cancelled my pre-order. I have been watching a lot of people play this weekend on Twitch and I am just not sure this is a game that I would like. I loved BF3 and BF4 and this just seems too far off from those titles. I think if I do decide to get it I will wait until it goes on sale or something.

November 22nd, 2021 3:44 AM CST
last edited on January 4th, 2022 4:27 AM CST

Posts: 288
Location: United States
I've been playing it since the beginning of the Early Access period and I gotta say, despite some of the weird bugs I've ran into I have had a lot of fun playing it! Even on the Xbox One version the graphics have seen quite an improvement since the BF3/4 days. On Series X|S it really shines! Audio is great just like any other DICE title.

I don't think it's too far off from BF3 or 4 at all, in fact it is quite similar, much more so than BF1 & V. It takes place just far enough into the future for there to be some new guns and vehicles to play with. Still very much so core Battlefield though, and I love it.

I do hope they can work on some polish/bug fixes though, and I'm definitely hoping they add a lot more content. I know it's just barely getting started, but I was kind of at least expecting a nice day one patch that would fix things up, but it never came.

Update January 4th 2022
- Still no updates! Most of the DICE staff was just on a two week vacation for the holidays, which I'm sure they needed after the development crunch that was 2042. I really hope they can get to work on bringing back some legacy features like proper scoreboards, better spotting, naval warfare, animation and control bugs/glitches (like not being able to revive people, getting stuck on certain weapons, etc), and some other things. Still having a blast playing the game though, overall. Especially with the recent addition of Team Deathmatch to the Portal mode!
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