
blustrkr's Call of Duty: Mobile Review Android

I've been trying to get into a mobile shooter for some time now to help my breaks go by or just pass idle time. I finally seemed to have landed on this one for the moment.

I was a fan of the earlier games in the Call of Duty series, but some time after the Black Ops 2/Modern Warfare 2 era I stopped playing for awhile.

This is the first entry in the series to pull me back in. I am playing on a Pixel 3, which is by no means an old phone at the time of this review, but isn't exactly the most powerful phone out there either. I was pleasantly surprised to see the game runs on max graphics quite well without any lag! It looks pretty good on my 5.5 inch screen. You don't see too many mobile games with eye catching graphics like this, so I definitely appreciate it.

Most of the CoD series staples you would expect are all there. Running around knifing people, one shot sniper kills from across the map, amassing large amounts of kill by shooting people's legs and the space in between, people with loud mics, etc.

I kid, but there is definitely some truth to what I just said. Some of the cooler CoD things you'd expect: loadouts, perks, weapon upgrades/modding, fast matchmaking, and fast-paced matches are all there. For this reason it ranks amongst the finest of mobile shooters in my opinion.

It is riddled with attempts to get you to make microtransaction purchases, but they can easily be X'd out of. I haven't purchased anything and have still had plenty of fun.

Since the game has launched there have been a lot of new maps added. As of the time of this edit, there are almost 30 different maps in total, including Raid maps.

If you love the CoD series and/or have been looking for a solid mobile shooter, this is the one!


Comments (1 total)

4 years ago
But the game just got a lot better, in 2 days Season 3 with a lot of updates and different modes, weapons, and different items are going to be added, some of the updates are out right now, you should check it out.
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