
blustrkr's Hell Let Loose Review PC

This game is a lot more tactical than your typical first person shooter. You have a commander on your team who will delegate tasks to the squad leaders, who then tell their squad members (2-6 people depending on your squad's role/job) what to do. It's similar to another game that I reviewed called Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.

Expect large forests as you crawl through the weeds for any shred of cover you can possibly find, making your way towards enemy objectives.

You cannot simply go sprinting into battle after your respawn. In this game, it only takes one or two bullets to take someone down. If you get hit, you need to lay prone or behind cover and bandage yourself which takes some time, especially in the heat of battle. Not painting a bad picture, just trying to paint realistic expectations. Once your mindset gets used to this style of gameplay (only takes a few matches) it's quite rewarding and fun, compared with many of today's shooters which emulate endless deaths after endless sprinting at times. With everything I've described you can probably understand what I mean when I say this is a more tactical shooter.

On some maps, the effects of war can be easily seen.

You will not immediately be notified when you killed someone, unless you get a headshot and hear a "ting!" of the bullet hitting someone's metal helmet. You can check the scoreboard and then your personal stats, but a lot of players in-game don't look at this so often and instead focus on the game and experience.

Many battles in the European theater took place in more rural areas such as this.

The graphics look great, in particular the explosions and plumes of smoke/debris/dirt they send up. When you're in dense foliage or forests the light rays look great too. The audio lives up to what you'd imagine a WWII battle sounding like as well.

There are more fortified positions spread throughout the maps as well.

I've laughed my ass off so many times from goofy teammates. Speaking of the player community, most of them tend to take this game pretty seriously, at least on PC. I'm sure it will be somewhat more "casual" on consoles with a lot less people utilizing VoIP, which is pretty typical for console shooters in my experience. I remember when most people had their headsets on, but that was years ago and a lot of us remember why a most people decided to stop wearing headsets (hint: obnoxious children).

Overall, I would recommend this game if you like shooters, especially if you're sometimes disappointed with how fast and repetitive some other modern shooters can be. I would love to try it on consoles, but for now the PC version is tiding me over well. I also appreciate that Black Matter is still supporting the game with updates, including a major one a week or two before I finished writing this that added more maps, vehicles, guns, outfits, etc.


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