
blustrkr's Tom Clancy's The Division 2: Warlords of New York Review Xbox One

This expansion is decent, but not great. I spent $30 on this when it first launched, excited for a large new playable area: New York City, of course. You do get a beautiful rendition of NYC, and the playable area is quite nice. As usual, all of the artists at Massive Entertainment did a fantastic job of creating a realistic looking and detailed world.

Massive consistently creates very detailed worlds

Unfortunately, aside from the main storyline (which can be wrapped up in 10 hours or less) there isn't too much to do here. With each season, you must recapture all of the Control Points and redo the story missions, recapture the Strongholds, etc in an effort to take down a key figure and a few of his/her top cronies.

This is quite a bummer as this is already the situation once you complete the main main storyline in Washington D.C. It just feels like so much work to create this beautiful world, to just recycle the same missions over and over again. I felt like the expansion would have much more potential.

New York City looks a little different this time around!

The main thing that I enjoyed about this expansion, gameplay-wise, was that it increased the level cap from 30 to 40. I am admittedly addicting to leveling up my characters in games, so this was something that definitely kept me interested. After reaching level 40, you will now be able to level up your character using a special SHD watch. Each level up rotates between boosting different stats of yours.

I will spend more time playing this and adjust my review if necessary. I do feel as if this may be the only and last expansion for Division 2, because I don't think this was necessarily successful.


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