
Topshelfers's Stray Review PC

The fact that a game with a playable cat isn't selling you already, let me explain a few things. Your cat doesn't ever speak, he gets spoken to. If you're a pet owner, you know that we always give our pets certain character traits, whether they have them or not. We make up this fantasy about them. Give them silly backstories. Joke around. Speak to them as if they can understand. This game captures that magic. Everybody that you interact with treats the cat different, but, treats them as if they are part of their own story. Go do this little task, or go do that. Whether they think it will happen or not. You get to see these stories unfold from an outside point of view, while still having a story of your own. You also become equipped with a harness that has a robot helper, but the robot helper is much more then that. Its a generated AI from someone who was in this world already. There is a connection, a bond that you build together. Cat and robot. You find out the inner most workings of this robot and why he is where he is. You build up this care for them. This longing for their success in a world that, quite frankly, is dark and depressing. And it connects with the tretregry of where we are as a human race. It tackles inequaulity, wealth distribution, unique characters, the battle of true freedom, the desire for answers to a bigger meaning. All from the persopective of a little orange cat that is only in this situation by mistake. This was hands down of of my most enjoyable plays in the last 10 years. And its not burdended with millions of side quests or collectables. It respects your time as a player.

I rank my games on a multitude of things. How gripping of a story, the emotional impact, how it controlls, is it unique, if there is a community, how is it, is it worth the money, and most importantly, did I actually have fun. A lot of games in todays day in age end up not even being fun. It turns into a task, or even a chore. Stray, you won't want to put it down. The biggest downfall is it is short, and I wish there would have been even more world to explore and side characters to meet. I'd say in regular or even casual gamer could knock this game out in one sitting. If you are a full completionist, no more then two or three sittings. I beg that they add more to this world they built, so much could be added. The gamers want more orange cat.


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