
blustrkr's Destiny 2: The Witch Queen Review Xbox Series X|S

I was interested in this expansion basically from the beginning since I knew it was supposed to be a bigger one, comparable to Forsaken or Taken King. It does indeed add a lot of new stuff, namely the Throne World destination. So far after sinking somewhere around 50 hours into it and nearly 100%ing the first season of this expansion, I can truthfully say that I dig it! This expansion was supposed to release in 2021 before being delayed until February of 2022, which according to Bungie was due to the pandemic and challenges of remote work.

You may notice something familiar looking while exploring in this expansion..

Most of the plot revolves around you hunting Savathun, the sister of Oryx and Crota. If you don't recognize those names, they are essentially the villains of Destiny 1: Taken King and Destiny 1: The Dark Below, respectively. Savathun is understandably pissed at you for killing both of her brothers, so she is next in your sights as you plunge into her Throne World, which has taken over Mars.

As always, the visuals are great in this expansion.

The Witch Queen expansion updates Gambit, updates the Void subclass, the new Void of the Disciple raid, new exotics, and other weapons and armor.

Mars has been taken over by Savathun's Throne World.

My main gripe not with this expansion in particular but the state of the game is that they keep "vaulting" old content, which renders older DLC and expansions meaningless as you can no longer access their respective planets. They say this is because of the install file being too big (currently hovering around 100-120 GB), but in a world where Warzone takes roughly 200 GB this doesn't make sense. It sucks to drop ~$40 on a new expansion only to discover it's been shelved. It makes me hesitant to want to purchase new expansions with my hard-earned money. I have plenty of storage space to store all of the expansions and then some. Make it optional so those who want to keep their system more lean (or have less storage space) can simply "uncheck" the DLC that's unimportant to them.

It's also hard to appreciate the unbalanced nature of Gambit and Crucible at the moment. It seems like everyone is using the same guns now, which I've noticed with prior updates as well but more noticeably so with this one. Also, it's worth noting that the new map during this expansion, Disjunction, after almost 1000 days with no new maps.

Mars is looking a little funky...

If you like the meatier Destiny expansions, this one is for you. The Throne World has a decent variety of activities. Unfortunately it comes with some of Bungie's usual quirks.


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