
blustrkr's Destiny 2: Lightfall Review PC

After the Witch Queen expansion I was feeling pretty confident that this would be another knockout expansion, especially with all of the marketing dollars Bungie pumped into it! Sadly, I was mistaken. I have terrible luck with choosing which games to preorder, so of course I preordered this one.

Most of the campaign is centered around Neptune in a city called Neomuna. What's odd is that you'll see holograms of its citizens throughout, but you can't interact with any of them. This is because they have all uploaded themselves to the ArkNet which allows immortality, but no more physical presence. Maybe interesting lore wise, but it wasn't really explored in-game which made for yet another mostly empty destination. Neomuna is a huge city, but there is just not much to be found within. It does look great, though.

The two new characters introduced, Rohan and Nimbus, are called Cloudstriders. They are cybernetically enhanced Neptunians that protect the city and the ArkNet from any danger. Rohan seemed wise and patient, but Nimbus was pretty annoying and too light hearted, especially considering the grave situation surrounding the Solar system - total annihilation! A little bit of information regarding the Witness is also finally divulged, but be prepared to feel like a carrot is being dangled, as no story arcs involving him are resolved (or even progressed that much).

Bungie also did some fiddling around with the menus, including a new Guardian Rank system and a new Commendation system. You can also now save and modify loadouts directly within the start menu, and modifications get their own screen as well.

Michael Salvatori and Co returned with another full soundtrack just for Lightfall. It's pretty good just like most of Bungie's OSTs, with a lot of vocal texture. With the Outrun kind of vibes the city of Neomuna puts off, I would have expected the OST to be a bit more synthwave-y, but it still delivered overall.

Overall, if you love Destiny and need something new to do this might be a good purchase for you. I'd probably try to catch it on a deep sale though.


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