
blustrkr's Elite Dangerous Odyssey Review PC

Typing this on my phone so I can't get into too much detail yet, but this game is clearly very underdeveloped. It should have been worked on for a few more months before it was released.

Honestly, the planetary graphics looked better in Horizons driving around in my SRV than they do now in Odyssey.

The one thing I like is that you can walk on foot with no vehicles finally. So now there is this huge procedurally generated galaxy that goes all the way down to the inch. You do feel quite vulnerable whilst in the middle of nowhere on a random planet. I like how your suit has limited energy and you need to be smart about its usage.

You could kind of see how big your ship was in Photo Mode, but now it's quite easy to see!

The space stations used to just be a cold hologram UI with pictures of people that you were talking to. Now, you can walk around and see some of these mission providers and vendors in person. But they don't have much variety to offer, and they frankly are all empty husks. They have a cold hard gaze and say the same few lines. At first impression the space stations and settlements are cool when you finally get to explore them on foot for the first time but that quickly wears off as you realize every other station will be basically the same.

Finally seeing the inside of settlements/stations is nice, but the "human" NPCs are more robotic than anything.

As for the shooting mechanics, nothing to see here. Very basic but decent mechanics. That's the only reason I'm gonna give this a 4/10: at least this expansion adds something new. I wish they would've expanded on this much more though. The gun selection is limited, and frankly the different tasks/jobs you can complete on-foot are quite limited as well.

Foot soliders, land vehicles, and air/space vehicles can all battle simultaneously now!

This expansion showed great promise, but now for my $40's sake I hope they are going to be updating this and expanding on it. For now they seem to be collecting a lot of community feedback which is great, but they definitely will need to go further. So far they have released three hotfixes which have squashed many of the bugs and slightly improved UI and performance, but there is still much more to be done!

For now I'd recommend not purchasing this unless you really love Elite Dangerous and must have your space legs! Just wait it out and see if Frontier does the right thing and finishes this clearly unfinished expansion.


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