
blustrkr's Halo 4 Review Xbox 360

They had a huge marketing budget and a huge development team taking on this project, but it wasn't able to capture the same essence of Halo that Bungie was, sadly. It feels like everything in the game lost its weight and significance, and the result is another generic futuristic "shoot aliens" game. Really not what you'd hope for from a huge brand new studio taking on a beloved series such as Halo.

The graphics are pretty nice to look at though, there's no doubt they saw a nice upgrade. A lot of glow and ambient occlusion was added to the environment.

The audio saw a downgrade, as Marty O'Donnell and Michael Salvatori are no longer involved, since they followed Bungie to work on Destiny. The music score was noticeably worse along with the sound effects and folly.

If you really love Halo or need a decent FPS on sale, this might be a good option for you. Overall there are better shooters out there though.


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