
blustrkr's Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Review Xbox 360

This game took everything great about the first Bad Company from 2008 and amped it up several notches. A humorous single player campaign with great characters made another appearance, and there was much more variety in multiplayer maps and game modes. DICE also expanded the arsenal of weaponry this time around, giving players a whole lot more choices regarding play styles. It was Bad Company 1 - a game I love - but bigger, better, and more polished.

A Recon class solider using a UAV.

DICE spent a couple years fixing up the Frostbite engine, and it really showed (even though I enjoyed the aesthetic of Bad Company 1). Even now in 2024, I still enjoy playing this game and looking at the visuals. Unfortunately, EA has shut down the servers, but you can still play with others if you put in some extra effort using something like Project Rome.

This will all be gone by the end of the match.

Bad Company 1 introduced Destruction, but Bad Company 2 took it further by allowing you to completely level buildings, not just parts of the walls. This was still a newer concept at the time and allowed you to take out those pesky campers sniping from across the map. As someone who was very annoyed with how people played in Call of Duty, I appreciated the hell out of this feature.

Destruction - in action!

A minor gripe I had was that you still couldn't lay down, but it never bothered me enough to warrant deducting a point in this review.

One quality of life thing I enjoyed (and I think mostly my controllers enjoyed) was that you no longer had to hold down the left thumbstick to sprint; you could simply click it once and you'd continue sprinting, just like many other FPS games.

My only complaint about this game is that it ended. I don't often give 10s, but this was truly a perfect game for me when it came out, and I still enjoy it from time to time years later.


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