
Latdogg's Destiny 2 Review Xbox One

I honestly didn't like the first Destiny that much so I still am not sure why I purchased this game. The story is super vague and I don't really know what I accomplished once I beat the main game. The missions all seemed like the same exact thing, same areas, and SUPER redundant. I played the first expansion and it was more of the same stuff, just different environments. And why in the hell is there still no real party finder? It is so inconvenient to do anything in this game as finding others is like pulling teeth.

Graphically is where this game shines, it looks amazing. Unfortunately, as they say, you can polish a piece of shit but at the end of the day it's still a piece of shit.

I honestly think this game is either loved or hated, nobody out there will be like "Yea, this game is alright". Bungie got my money this time but I can assure myself it won't happen again.


Comments (2 total)

5 years ago
@blustrkr Sorry brother, I am officially retired from Destiny. It is just super boring for me.
5 years ago
I definitely understand where you're coming from, but there's still a pretty decent variety of events now. I have just failed you on showing you all of it! Once I get my Xbox and all that hooked up again I'll be happy to give it another shot if you're interested.
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