
blustrkr's Destiny 2 Review Xbox One

After pouring many hours of my life into the first Destiny, I was pretty excited for Destiny 2 to come out. I had a lot of expectations for the game...mostly, more content! I was hardly a critic of the first game; I simply wanted more! Most of us can agree that the mechanics of the first game were very solid. It was just lacking in things to do.

Cool looking loading screens, in true Bungie fashion, are present

Well, I have to admit that after logging a few days of play time it is indeed the same grind in Destiny 2 as in the first entry in the series. Bungie did seem to take all of the best things about the first game and make them more polished this time around. One thing in particular that always stands out across all of my gameplay sessions are of course the graphics. WOW! They look incredible. I understand that I am only playing on a console and that the PC version will have uncapped framerates at 4K resolution, but I don't care. The game still looks incredible. It is obvious to me that a great deal of time and effort was invested into the art aspects of this game.

Multiplayer matches, like this Gambit match, are usually full of action

As usual with Bungie's games, it is overall a very polished game...I have noticed that I can get the game to lag much more than the first game if there are many objects onscreen, particle effects, supercharges, etc, but for the most part this affects nothing. Performance in general is great. Bungie's experience with shooters continues to shine with the solid gunplay.

I really enjoy the visuals in this game, specifically the lighting and real-time reflections

I still miss Marty O'Donnell, but Michael Salvatori did a great job with the soundtrack this time around. Like, a really great job. Many people get tired of the looping music in social spaces but I can't complain, there are some nice ambient tunes.

This game has evolved quite a bit over time and continues to do so. Bungie seems to be increasing the pace at which they update and change the game world itself. They are now using a "Destiny Content Vault" to remove old less used activities/locations and bring in new content since the game easily uses more than 100 GB of storage. I wish they would allow users to choose to keep certain destinations installed just for the sake of keeping our purchases intact. For me personally, I have a couple external drives around the house with more than enough space to do so and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I do understand however that certain planets continuing to exist would conflict with the narrative of the story, so I can't complain too much. They are definitely making an effort to add new activities and loot and keep things fresh which deserves some credit.

The addition of Cross-Platform Play seems to have greatly improved the speed of matchmaking. Before, between the loading of menus and finally getting into a match, the game was very slow to startup, especially on older generation consoles like the original Xbox One or PS4.

Overall, if you're like me and have been following Bungie's journey since the original Halo games, or if you like sci-fi online looter shooters, this game should prove to be a lot of fun!


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