
blustrkr's The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Review Nintendo Switch

As of this moment I have spent about 50 hours playing (with plenty more to do) and have had not a single issue. To be totally clear, I have not yet completed the main story but have spent plenty of time progressing in it and completing many side quests along the way. I think I have played enough to know that this game is really awesome and if you have a Nintendo Switch and even the most remote interest in RPGs, this game is a very necessary purchase.

We are woken up yet again to help out Princess Zelda

The game starts out with you being woken up towards the end of the Zelda series timeline. All of the other games that came out take place before this game. You are in the middle of the Calamity, where dark enemies of Ganondorf's roam Hyrule and threaten the existence of all of society. Princess Zelda is in Hyrule Castle holding off Ganon as long as she can, but you need to get your strength up and help out!

You will need to find the four other species throughout the game and help them out to gain their support.

The game is pretty lacking of any sort of tutorial and essentially just unleashes you into this massive open world. I do not regret even slightly that there is no guided learning process. I usually just tend to skip those anyway. I appreciate the slight learning curve in this game (that provides depth and makes some repetitive tasks not so boring) and the mystery behind discovering certain things on your own. In typical Zelda fashion, discovering secrets will end up benefiting you in many ways! I will say however that one thing that I miss in this game is finding Pieces of Heart in the world in hidden/challenging-to-access areas that would eventually add up to more Heart Containers for your Link.

Instead, you must either defeat a Guardian, or complete a Shrine. There are many Shrines dispersed throughout the world that also function as Fast Travel points, so you'll at least want to discover them to help navigate around the world quickly. Some of them require you to solve puzzles (a lot of fun figuring these out!), while some of them require you to fight mini bosses that vary in difficulty. Several of said mini bosses will require you to re-approach them later when you gain more strength.

The visual styling in this game is fantastic!

The visuals in this game alone provide for a great experience. I can, and still do, spend a lot of time just staring at the weather as it changes throughout the different times of day, and how each "day" in the game looks unique. I would describe the graphics as a mix between the cel shading of Wind Waker with the more realistic/grounded approach of Twilight Princess.

Overall, if you loved classic Zelda titles like Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, or even Twilight Princess, you will really enjoy Breath of the Wild!


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