
Recent changes and a brief glimpse into the future

I figured it was about time for a new post since quite a few changes have added up over the past couple of weeks. While most of them have been minor, they all of course play a role. I have implemented a changelog (as requested by Mitchinator1) so you can easily see the progress that is being made.

Along with these changes, I am happy to see that content is being generated at a slow - but steady - pace. The game index is being filled up with most of the classics and popular games, and the forums are getting some use. This is great for when the site finally graduates from its beta status. It wouldn't be very appealing for new visitors to stumble upon this site, only to realize it's completely devoid of any substance. Speaking of beta..

You may be wondering where the website is going to go from here. It hasn't been terribly active, but that's ok. The only reason that I put this on the internet at all was to get a few testers besides myself while I build the rest of the features that I feel are vital. With each day that passes, the to-do list shrinks to a smaller size. It's exciting, but it's also important to be patient and ensure everything works correctly before the floodgates are opened to the whole world. Especially important is security. It's only a matter of time before a troll or script kiddie attempts to delete everything or compromise the site in some way. So for the time being, access to the site will remain limited whilst her defenses are fortified.

Just know, dear beta tester, that the beginning of byte1ife's glory is soon to be witnessed by all. I know it may be somewhat boring or pointless to frequent the site when there is so little activity, but I appreciate those that do participate. You've all been a big help with the feedback and testing so far. I have several ideas to grow traffic once the site is opened. If you too have ideas of your own, I'm all ears.

Comments (2 total)

Mitchinator112 years ago
Changelog... *drools*
blustrkr12 years ago
I'm quite a fan of them myself. More to come..
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